Is good design the key to better websites?

February 1st, 2008

The first thing that you need to be clear about when creating a website is to know its purpose. Most webs site owners will generally create web sites in order to sell their products online, increase their subscriptions and to generate more leads as well as to make bagfuls of money. Though these are laudable [...]

Important Rules in Web Design

December 6th, 2007

The importance of paying the closest attention to each and every detail of your web site’s design cannot be overemphasized because only with the proper web design can you hope to get your web site to perform in an optimal manner and to get it to serve the purpose for which it was made. Thus, [...]

How to keep your visitor coming back to your website?

December 6th, 2007

No doubt, the success of a web site is governed by the numbers of visitors to the web site and to the fact that you can also keep them coming back for more. The reason why you should have your visitors coming back for more is that after each visit, it becomes easier to convince [...]

Web Design Elements to Avoid On Your Website

December 6th, 2007

Though creating a well designed web site may not involve any rocket science, it does nevertheless have to do enough to eliminate flaws so that the web site performs according to expectations and thus reaches its maximum potential. Thus, you need to incorporate certain elements while avoiding others. To begin with, your web design should [...]

When should you redesign your website?

December 5th, 2007

There are enough facts that you will come across today in the media that will show that today more and more consumers are interested in going online in order to purchase everything from their latest TV to choosing who will treat them when they get sick and also where to educate their children. Thus, it [...]

Create a Website for Business Success

December 3rd, 2007

It goes without saying that to be successful at your online business endeavors you need to have a website that is visible to others, and contrary to popular belief, paying adequate attention to creating a well designed website will stand you in good stead once you get started with your online business. Even small businesses [...]

Professional Website Design

November 29th, 2007

There no doubts the importance of a professional website design to the success of your Internet business and though you may come across different resources such as tutorials and even software programs and even do-it-yourself websites, these all fade when compared with a website that has been professionally designed and there are many different reasons [...]

CSS Web Design

November 29th, 2007

Most of you that are still stuck with designing your websites by using tables need to understand that times have changed and new methods have emerged such as Cascading Style Sheets or CCS web design that have fast replaced the method of using tables that was the standard for may years. However, with all these [...]

Does website design affect your website traffic?

November 26th, 2007

At the very outset it is necessary to understand that your web site is a commanding as well as inexpensive marketing and also advertising tool that when properly designed can aid in developing your business that is conducted online. That is why web designing is considered as being innovative since it aims at attracting the [...]

Advantages of good Web Design

November 26th, 2007

When your website is viewed by others, it sends out a message as to what your business is like and also about you who are the owner of the website. Needless to say, that there are many advantages of good web design since the better the design is the brighter are your chances of selling [...]