Archive for the 'CSS Design' Category

CSS Web Design

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

Most of you that are still stuck with designing your websites by using tables need to understand that times have changed and new methods have emerged such as Cascading Style Sheets or CCS web design that have fast replaced the method of using tables that was the standard for may years. However, with all these [...]

The Importance of E-Commerce Web Design and CSS

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

Today’s technology is strengthening at a tremendous speed; the internet has become a vital resource for the majority of the population and counting. More and more people are exponentially learning to use the internet on a daily basis. The internet is a BOOMING industry as you may know. The majority of all users out there [...]

CSS Website Design

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS for short) have slowly but surely become a website design standard over the past few years. It was not that many years ago that people used Frames to position their content across their web pages and Tables gradually replaced this. Many low-end website developers are still very comfortable with Tables, [...]